Monday, April 16, 2012



What did you get out of it, huh? What did you get for SELLING YOUR BEST FUCKING FRIEND TO THOSE DEVILS?

Did they give you that “dream job” you were looking for? The one that you wanted so badly you’d commit a sin this grave just for a chance at it? Obviously not, since you talk a lot about your “former colleagues.”

What happened, suddenly all that left a bad fucking taste in your mouth? So you just QUIT? You knew then, like I know now, there is no quitting. Not when these fuckers are involved. You ran away? To where? You sold your soul and my mind for a shot at something and when you found that it wasn’t what you had expected, you just left?

Did they let you leave quietly, or did they chase you? I’ll bet it was neither. You were never one to leave behind loose ends, you’d have all of your research end perfectly, nothing left unsupported. When you broke up with a friend, you broke off completely. So, if you suddenly didn’t want to be associated with a group like that, what would you do? Would you just kill your bosses, or would you kill anyone who had ever laid eyes on you in that organization?

I wonder why you wanted to come here and see me. Am I a loose end too? I know your name, and even if you’ve destroyed all records of you, someone’s bound to find something useful to do with your name. Or perhaps I’m still a subject. You took the research they were doing, whatever it was, and I’ll bet I’m a plethora of information to add on to those notes.

No, I don’t think I care anymore why you wanted to see me. The important thing is that you didn’t. I’m still alive, and you’re nowhere near me at the moment. Still hung up on that job they gave you in March? Still bummed out that you could only “drop by the town and do a few chores”? Now there’s another question, why haven’t I seen those doctors around recently? They just seemed to vanish off of the face of the earth. I doubt you had anything to do with that, huh?

Come to think of it, what DO you do now? Hell, what DID you do? What was that “dream job” you were so hyped up about all those years ago? Something so good you would trick your best friend into that horrible experience just for your foot in the door?

You better have a good explanation for yourself, Advisor, or I’ll compromise you so badly you won’t know where to start burning.


  1. Ah. Yes. That. Sorry about that. I didn’t know the full implications of their study.

    To my credit, I did fit you into the group that had the best survival rate, so at least you’re still around. Also, you seem to have failed to mention that you VOLUNTEERED for that study. Something about the chemicals they would give you during the study… Remember that tidbit? There was something about being able to manipulate the effects of Midazolam to tailor to a specific request?

    In any case, we’re both alive, and we’re both in our right states of minds again. I’m still me, and you’re you again, as far as I can tell. So why don’t you calm down before you go off the handle, and we can figure out how to fix you, okay?

    - Have a Nice Day

    1. Okay. I may have passed out for a while there. Again.

      I still remember everything, or at least all the important details. I'm still angry at you for both bringing me into this and bringing it back, but since you were just trying to help I guess I can overlook those for now.

      So you said you had documents that could possibly help me. I'm not exactly interested in the writings of those bastards, so I'll just ask you this:

      Did they somehow stumble on a cure, or a possible first step to a cure, or any form of treatment for the Choir?

    2. In a word, no.

      They learned quite a bit about the Choir, or at least the various effects it can have at certain levels, and they... they sort of proved their hypotheses, if you remember what they were at all. The actions of the Doctors overseeing you also made it apparent that they've been moving forward with the less subtle aspects of their research.

      But no, they couldn't find a way to rid any form of Choir once the symptoms reached a certain stage. I doubt they would even if they were looking for one, their results seem pretty conclusive in that regard.

      I'm afraid that's all I can say on the matter. My own observations seem to indicate that their research never passed into the hands of the other groups, or if it did, then they are all being very quiet and cautious on the matter. I will have to err on the side of caution and not let you see the documents until I can make sure that this particular information hasn't spread.

      - Have a Nice Day

  2. I have absolutely no idea what's going on now.

  3. Well, his anger is back...that's a start I suppose
